
Big Wrestling Meet

Today, I had to head over to my school at about 7:00AM to wrestle about 7 other schools. We were undefeated before that meet and were undefeated as we went, too. Hell, we were kicking the crap out of all the other teams. All of us tried our hardest and succeeded.

But then came the final match. The best two schools (us and another) were competing for the first place trophy. The small weight classes on our side was the best but around the middle weight class we started to suck. All of our team tried but I guess it wasn't good enough. Then came the heavy weights on our team. One heavy weight from the other team forfeited so that gave us some points as we were losing. The next match was a tough one, but we got away with it ;] Then the final match, when we most needed a pin from our team, we lost. We lost by about 6 points or something. If Morgan had been there we would have won for sure, but he pulled a muscle so we lost. Same if Dale would have won his match but he barely lost. I wrestled too (and won) but since I'm not varsity it didn't count as points. Just practice.

At least this gave our team to think about what we could have done better so that next time, we'll kill them >:]

Today I also saw my mom talking to a janitor. I've talked to that janitor before but he never saw my mom. I saw him once after wrestling practice and started talking to him. Today I walked up to my mom in the wrestling meet and saw her talking to the janitor which coincides to my theory. I believe everything, no matter what, is connected to something (or everything). If I hadn't joined wrestling I never would have talked to the janitor. If I hadn't talked to the janitor he never would have known me when I went to talk to my mom. If I hadn't went to talk to my mom he never would have known I was her son and I wouldn't have talked to him that day.

And this post is already long enough but I've decided to make a site of the day every couple of days or something. So today's sites are:


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

7 Am to go wrestle people? That sucks.