

Yes, I'm a fatty :(

I weigh as much as I should for my age put I still have the stomach. It's so big and ovalish. So I've decided that I'm gonna try and lose weight :O

I bought a book a little while ago called and it says you shouldn't eat very much after six. Some book about natural cures. Here is the site.

I've also been searching on google for calories and other crap and it turns out I should eat about 2000 calories daily. To calculate how many calories you need to eat per day click here.

I also got a pedometer from a cereal box (ironic isn't it?) and again went searching on google. It says boys should walk around 15000 steps per day, girls should walk 12000, and other stuff. The site is here if you wanna check it out.

And because I need to eat around 2000 calories per day I had to check out some other websites. This website gives a fairly long list of foods and their calories and this gives a fairly short list.

So for all you people out there that have been trying to lose weight I hope I helped =)

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