
What the hell is the meaning of this?!

The meaning of life. What is it? A question that has plagued philosphers, scientists, and common men for centuries. While some say to live every day as if it is your last I say live every day the way you normally would.

If you were to truthfully live every day as if it were your last then you would literally have nothing to live for. For the next day you will never see your family, friends, and prized possesions. Your entire life will have been a mistake. Nothing you lived for in the past will affect your life because you are living your last day. And now you go to bed. You sleep. Later, you wake up only to find you haven't died yet.

You're so happy! You're alive, you have something to live for now! Your life finally has some meaning!

Would this happen to you if a doctor were to tell you you were gonna die the next day?

The phrase "Live every day as if it's your last" makes no sense to me. The thought of saying goodbye to everything you onced loved and care for has no meaning. Now on the other hand, if you were to live out every day as you normally would (or better) you would appreciate everything you have in some way or form. Weather it is eating your favorite breakfast or going to the mall with your friends you would appreciate it. Weather you notice it or not you are appreciating it what you have at that time simply by doing it. I do somewhat agree with the phrase "Actions speak louder than words" in this case, simply because the action of going to the mall with your friends or eating your favorite breakfast is better than saying 'goodbye' to it all.

My point here is that you shouldn't live every day as if it's your last. Live every day normally and appreciate what you have or don't have.

So, how does this tie in with the 'true' meaning of life? Well, thats your job to find out. I believe there are two types of 'lives' to live. The first type is the type set by your religion and it's beliefs. So if you choose to follow that your life is already set out for you in someway. The second type is yours to choose but both consist of death.

I have pondered the phrase "What is the (true) meaning of life" for a long time and have come to the conclusion that there are two types of lives to live and that both of them consist of death. My original thought was that the meaning of life was to die. Simple enough right?


The meaning of life is NOT to simply die. Every life affects another. Let's say a baby is born and within the first two months of his/her life the baby dies. It's simple enough to say that the meaning of the baby's life was to die. Nothing happened to anyone else. But thats wrong. The baby's life affected many lives. When the baby died the parents were shocked and overcome by grief and sadness. But later they'll (hopefully) realize the joys of life. To learn to appreciate what they all ready have. And what they don't. This unfortunate event has turned to something they can look back on and say "I learned something that day. I learned to appreciate everything I have... and what I don't have".

The fact that everybody's life affects another makes everybody connected. And everybody's lives precious and unique in some way.

So obviously the meaning of life is not just simply death. There's something in the middle. And you have to fill that in. Because remember, the choices you make affect everybody around you and because of that, life is worth living.

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