

Today were the regionals. As you can imagine I, an inexperienced wrestler, lost to experienced and buff wrestlers. Pure beasts they were! I think I have two flaws:

1) I understimate my opponents
2) I think too much

Underestimating your opponents in a match is possibly the most stupidest thing I could do. I think they're too stupid to make a move (as I am) so I myself wait, thinking of my next move. Which falls into number 2.

I think far too much! In the middle of a match I've been taught to just strike at him with and not think too much because it'll cost me. And in fact it did. I was thinking of what I was going to do and what possible moves he was going to do and I lost miserably. Instead of just shooting for him I let him take me down and pin me in less than two minutes. I had all these moves planned out in my head, but once I'm out there I think. And think. Until I end up losing.

It sucks >.<

The good thing is that our school won first place in regionals for the first time in the history of the school! Amazing, I know :]

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